Christina Quarles
Tilt/Shift, 2020Acrylic on canvas195.6 x 243.8 x 5.1 cm
77 x 96 x 2 inCopyright The ArtistFurther images
Tilt/Shift is a portrait, not of looking onto a body, but of living within your own body looking out onto the world. My project is informed by my daily experience...Tilt/Shift is a portrait, not of looking onto a body, but of living within your own body looking out onto the world. My project is informed by my daily experience living in a gendered body, a Queer body, and a racialized body. In my paintings, I seek to dismantle assumptions of our fixed subjectivity through images that challenge the viewer to contend with the disorganized body in a state of excess.1of 2