Pop, 2017 is part of Self’s ‘Bodega Run’ series, which examines the socio-political site of the New York City bodega. With the ‘Bodega Run’ works, Self expanded her artistic approach...
Pop, 2017 is part of Self’s ‘Bodega Run’ series, which examines the socio-political site of the New York City bodega. With the ‘Bodega Run’ works, Self expanded her artistic approach to create dynamic, rounded and multi-dimensional characters out of the products and situations that exist specifically within these neighbourhood convenience stores. Pop, 2017, for instance depicts a curvaceous young black woman shopping for soda, bathed in the harsh light given off by powerful strip light bulbs.
2019: Paint, Also known as Blood. Women, Affect, and desire in contemporary painting. Museum of Modern Art Warsaw (7th June - 11th August 2019) (Group Show)
2017: Tschabalala Self: Bodega Run, Pilar Corrias, London, (7 September - 27 September 2017)